Q&A with a Professional Counsellor | Part II: Trauma, Trauma Therapy & Therapy for Families/Kids

Q&A with a Professional Counsellor | Part I: What Counseling Is & How to Find a Counselor

James: A Poem about Stillbirth, By Lise Gaston
But when his soft and silent body arrived into this unsafe world, feet curved — unwalkable and perfect — he looked like his name.

5 Ways to Cope with Anxiety during Pregnancy After Loss
You don’t have to battle anxiety on your own, reach out as help is out there.

Unspoken: A Photography Project about Perinatal Loss, By Felicia Chang
Miscarriage and stillbirths occur more often than they are spoken. Myriam Steinberg, author of Catalogue Baby, wrote in her fertility memoir: “No one ever told me this could happen”. As a society, the taboos around pregnancy, infant loss and grief, and the lack of supportive verbal and emotional language isolate affected women and non-binary folks during a time when they most need the support.

‘Time moves on, but life is forever changed’: The pain of losing a child
Living vulnerably and authentically can help those who are suffering.