The following may be of use to you, your clients, and your practice. If you have a suggestions for other resources, please let me know!
Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative: https://cpmhc.ca/
Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Training: https://www.canadianperinatalmentalhealthtrainings.com/
Postpartum Support International: https://www.postpartum.net/
Pacific Postpartum Support Society (Vancouver, BC): https://postpartum.org/
Postpartum Support International: https://www.postpartum.net/get-help/loss-grief-in-pregnancy-postpartum/.
The Joyful Morning Podcast: https://www.themorning.com/listen
‘Ask Me His Name’ Book by Elle Wright
‘Still: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Motherhood’ by Emma Hansen
‘A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss’ by Jerry Sittser
Souls and Hearts: Catholic Psychological Resources: https://www.soulsandhearts.com/
The IFS Institute: https://ifs-institute.com/
The One Inside Podcast: https://theoneinside.libsyn.com/
Dr Becky @ Good Inside: https://www.goodinside.com/
‘The Whole Brain Child’ book by Dr Dan Siegel
‘No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind’ Book by Dr Dan Siegel
Inside Out (The Movie) 1 and 2
‘Hold Me Tight’ Book by Sue Johnson: https://drsuejohnson.com/books/
‘Boundaries’ Book by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
‘The Five Love Languages’ Book by Gary Chapman
Dr. Dan Siegel: https://drdansiegel.com/
Bessel Van Der Kolk: https://www.besselvanderkolk.com/